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Year 1

We have everything you need to explicitly teach the Little Learners Love Literacy® Stage 1–6 scope and sequence in your Year 1 classroom. In Year 1, children learn the simple code (the letters and sounds of the alphabet) and begin to learn the complex code with consonant digraphs, adjacent consonants and multi-syllable words. Our explicit teaching approach helps children achieve success in reading and spelling from the start!

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We're dedicated to bridging the gap between evidence-based research and the teaching of reading, spelling and writing.


With training that aligns with the science of reading, teachers can understand and teach the English spelling system for both reading and writing with confidence and success.


Liz Kane

Literacy Coach

+64 210 257 1700

MEd (Auckland) | AMADA (Associate Member of Australian Dyslexia Association)


Thank you! We'll be in touch soon.

Liz Kane Literacy 2021© | Design by Sunday Digital

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